What people have said about Walk the Sky:
"Awesome … no other publication I have read does a finer job of getting at the physical and emotional transcendence that occurs from spending large uninterrupted periods of time in Wilderness."
–Eric Gabriel, Valley District Ranger, Yosemite National Park-
"I just received my autographed book today (I was told I got the first shipped signed edition), it is unbelievably most beautiful and most fantastic. An absolute valued and most treasured book. For all who have hiked the JMT, I highly, most highly recommend this book."
- Roleigh Martin, John Muir Trail@yahoogroups
"The essays do a lovely job of conveying things that feel so familiar to the life and work that we experience working in the high sierra
(the physical attunement of one's body after weeks and months on the trail). I found myself wanting to see many more of John's
gorgeous images ... he has captured beautiful images with the eye of someone who is intimate with the land he is photographing."
-Erika Jostad, Backcountry Ranger, Sequoia National Park-
John Muir’s passionate spirit as a walker—and his namesake 221-mile trail through the wilderness areas at the heart of California’s Sierra Nevada—have inspired multitudes to walk the John Muir Trail. This stunning collection of photographs by a Sierra mountaineer who knows this country intimately throughout the seasons will inspire all who have walked the trail—and anyone who hopes to walk it—to Walk the Sky.
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves". –John Muir
Walking the Sky brings you into a more vital—a more dynamic, balanced, and rejuvenating—dance with the earth. John Muir’s beckoning call to revitalize our health and spirit by reconnecting with our natural heritage has inspired multitudes to walk the John Muir Trail. Following the John Muir Trail today, you walk more than two hundred roadless miles through Yosemite National Park, the Ansel Adams Wilderness, the John Muir Wilderness, and Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Your journey lies wholly within protected wilderness as you traverse California’s Sierra Nevada paralleling the most rugged and remote portion of the Pacific Crest. When you hike the John Muir Trail, you follow a rich legacy of wilderness vision; yet, you also walk a rewarding personal path of wilderness discovery.You find your own way to breathe, to feel the weather, to keep moving, to find shelter, to know what is necessary for the journey. And even though the way to a high pass switchbacks up granite-carved trail, you will surely follow your own imagination to ascend the mountains into the Sierra cloudlands beyond. When you walk the John Muir Trail, you walk the sky.
Walk the Sky: Following the John Muir Trail interprets the significance of wilderness protection and wilderness walking in the alpine and supalpine headwaters of major Sierra watersheds connected by the John Muir Trail.
Gold Medal Winner 2009 "Best Western Region Non-fiction" Independent Book Publishers Awards
Walk the Sky is a must for anyone interested in the John Muir Trail or the Sierra Nevada in general. This is the most comprehensive photographic essay ofthe John Muir Trail since Ansel Adams' treatment of the subject in 1938. Over the course of three decades photographer John Dittli has captured the many moods along the "summit" of the Pacific Crest. Through the large format color plates with essays by Mark Schlenz, the reader wanders from north to south along 200 miles of the Sierra Nevada. Personalized inscription available by the photographer.
Walk the Sky: Following the John Muir Trail
Companion Press
10 x 11 inch
136 pages
85 color plates
18 full bleed panoramas
20 b&w illustrations